Yup, you read it right. When it comes to your closet, there are 3 F words…but these you can say aloud in front of your kids. Ready?
Fit, flatter, feel. Fit, flatter, feel. Say it. Remember it. Live by it.
We’ve all been there. We’re standing in (or front of) our closets. We try it on, we put it back. Wait. What?
We don’t like it, but we put it back.
Time to break that habit.
If you don’t like it, why are you putting it back?
If it’s just today’s mood, fine.
But if it doesn’t FIT you, FLATTER you, or FEEL good on you, then let it go.
Don’t just put it back.
Even if it was a little pricey,
Even if someone gave it to you.
Even if it still has tags on it.
It’s okay.
Let it go.
Savvy gives you #permissiontopurge
Set aside a bag for donations. Add to it as you go. If the items aren’t giveaway-good, then toss them.
Each time you go to your closet or dresser, consider if it’s a piece you love and wear.
If not, edit it out.
One piece at a time is fine.
Don’t wait for another day, a better time, a different season.
Good habits can start in small ways — one sweater, one dress, one pair of shoes at a time.
So next time you’re getting dressed, ask yourself…does it FIT me? Does it FLATTER me? Do I FEEL good in it?
Need a little encouragement along the way? Tag your pics of what you’re editing #permissiontopurge. Savvy will be watching…and cheering you on!